ART, Le Art Mystique, Arts, SpiceGirls Girlpower,art, artists, artworks, artmaster,arts, the arts, Surrealist, Surreal, Wierd art, Surrealistic, Mystical, surrealistical, Dadaist, Dada, Dada and Surrealism, Old Master, Classical, art, artworks, artists, art, the arts, artmasterpieces, ART, Le Art Mystique, Arts, SpiceGirls Girlpower, ART, Le Art Mystique, Arts, SpiceGirls Girlpower, ART, Le Art Mystique, Arts, SpiceGirls Girlpower, ART, Le Art Mystique, Arts, SpiceGirls Girlpower Art, Le Art Mystique Arts, Schoolgirl Spicegirls Girlpower

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This The Ring of Maya and Knots site owned by P. adastra McBrearty DMS.Astro.
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"ADASTRA SELLS OUT !?!?! What is the connection between Art, Le Art Mystique, the Arts, Spicegirls and Girlpower ???"  (WHAT?!!?)

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EACH ARTWORK CONTAINS A HIDDEN 'CLICK-AND-PICK' SPICEGIRL! Quick Loading Original Mystical Artworks with hidden Spicegirls, animations, and other surprises in this GAME" !

"Relax, enjoy yourself, stop your endless wandering, have a nice hot cuppa and see what's happening here. There are about 30 works of art in this site, all original, and each has around 5 hidden secrets! (that's 150 'Unknowns!) SPICEGIRLS, and other obscure objects of desire!?! Don't be shy, see how far you get. You will observe that there are NO HIDDEN COSTS, BANNERS, OR OTHER HORRIBLE, ANNOYING DISTRACTIONS HERE!"

Le Art Mystique

2 clickareas only to start you off. Try 'RIGHT' clicking on 'ACTIVE' areas, then click 'OPEN IN NEW WINDOW' then 'CLOSE' that window when finished viewing -- it's quicker, and easier.


(Inks and pencil on parchment)

P McBrearty dms.astrol. C1971

Please Use the 'Control Arrows' At The Bottom Of This Page To Move 'FORWARD' To The Next Artwork 'BACK' to Previous, or 'CENTER-SQUARE' to Return To This BasePage. Thanx -- Have Fun, adastra


"Le Art Mystique" is a more serious art collection, in the sense only that most art critics and people in general have preconceived ideas as to what is considered 'ART' !


Even though I have considered such issues for many years, I can only sympathize and perhaps even 'compromize' with such people,... but I have yet to agree with them upon this subject.


'Adapted' from "KNOTS" by Dr. R. D. Laing, the great man himself, often maligned, but once 'more than a friend'to me May he rest in peace after such a long struggle, even though there are those among us who seem bent on preventing this. "RE-FRAME" - RE-FRAME now, and see through new eyes......

....."They are playing a game,.... they are playing a game of 'not' playing a game,... if I let them see that I can see the game they are pretending not to be playing they won't let me join in the game. Since I am not sure that I want to be in the team they think I am not good enough to be in it! Therefore,.... what should I do ? ...


...Do I play a game of not seeing the game they are pretending not to be playing in order that I may be considered at least a 'potential' team-member, whether I want to play or not ? Or, do I start up my own game and try to recruit members who prefer what I am playing ? Or, do I remain an outsider by not joining in at all, and instead be as pure as possible an expression of the bright light of my expanding consciousness ? -- though this route is more difficult.

Logic dictates that I cannot be anyone else and so I should strive to 'BE MYSELF ' as this is the only person I can 'Truely' be. Should I then turn my back on the short-lived glories of the playing fields, that I may embrace the everlasting qualities of self knowledge and self-integration?




I am greatly excited by the draghtsmanship of early Italian masters and many classical artists in general, but also feel stimulated by the works of many modern artists. the charismatic genius of Leonardo da Vinci has perhaps had a greater influence on my life more than any other individual, and yet I still strive to be an expression of the only person, or 'Lifestream' which I am capable of emulating as I ascend the slopes of consciousness: - that being is -- ' I '

P McBrearty DMS.Astrol M.A.P.A.

( member of the association of professional astrologers )

Le Art Mystique

is a 'sattelite' of the mother manifestation named,

"Project Earthscan"

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